Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ride the Bitchcruiser Bike, But Wear Protection

BBI strikes again - this time by not showing for Zimora Road Race, but staying home playing with his......, um, errrr, bike?

He sent this in to us-

Once in a while we come across an invention that's so ludicrously chauvinist, even our testosterone-fueled rants sputter to speechlessness.
BBI - Great to see you found a cure for your ED!


Unknown said...

Outrageous? Perhaps. Cool? Definitely not. Chick magnet? See previous Q. Common? Again, see previous. Wanna bro-deal? Pony up, big boy, and pay up. This is the big league. Chicks will hate ya; guys think you are a demigod. I’m putting an order together and in bulk we all can save. Let’s put an order together. JL

Unknown said...

I could definitely see some use for one (or more) of these at the cycling awards dinner!